Cannot Receive Data, Closing connections, Check Sign Controller

SigncoEDS, Inc Forums SystemOne Cannot Receive Data, Closing connections, Check Sign Controller

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    • #125

      Cannot receive data, Closing connections, Check Sign Controller

      1. On your keyboard hold the Windows Key down (the key that looks like the Windows Logo and is normally by the ALT key). While holding down the Windows Key press the R key.
      2. The RUN window should pop up.
      3. Type in devmgmt.msc and then click OK.
      4. Scroll to and open Ports (COM and LPTs) and look for the devices that have a COM-port associated with it (example COM1). If more than one, make note of them as you may use them in testing.
      5. Open the sign software and click on Options, Software Configuration.
      6. Change the COM Port to the number that you found in step number 4.
      7. Change the COM Port Speed to 1200 Baud. This may need to be changed if you are not able to connect, will try that later (other speeds that are common are 57600, 38400, 19200 and 9600).
      8. Click on OK at the top.
      9. Click on Options then Communications.
      10. If the communications still fails, click through the errors and reopen Options and Software Configurations window.
      11. Change the COM Port Speed from 1200 baud to 2400 baud. Click OK at top. Click Options then Communications. If it fails you may need to try each COM Port Speed one at a time. 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 or 57600 Baud.
      12. If you found more that one option in step number Four, open the Software Configuration window and change the COM Port to one of the other ports you found in step 4.
      13. After changing the COM Port, go to step number 11.

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